“Stoltzman remains one of the most, if not the most, expressive clarinet soloists in the world.”
— Los Angeles Times
“A Classical superstar.”
“He is, by any standards, one of the world’s premier clarinetists and a musician with an exceptionally personal approach to every piece he plays.”
“Mr. Stoltzman put on a display of sheer, uninhibited virtuosity that set off the kind of uproarious demonstration ordinarily granted only to reigning sopranos.”
“Richard Stoltzman gently exhaled a smooth, suave performance in Mozart’s Clarinet Quintet.”
“Richard Stoltzman’s long-awaited recording of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto...a reading that fulfills every expectation, by turns impassioned, pensive, witty, seductive, and intelligent, this is the performance of a lifetime.”
“Mr. Stoltzman played Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto with breathtaking beauty of tone, flawless intonation and rhythmic flexibility...If Mr. Stoltzman is not one of a kind, who might the others be?”
— The New York Times
“He is a craftsman of the intense moment, of the suddenly soul-piercing phrase, of the unusual gesture that opens up new interpretive space.”
— The Boston Musical Intelligencer
“He is an artist of indescribable genius.”
“Stoltzman is the preeminent soloist on the clarinet today. He is a musician of flawless taste, one with few rivals anywhere on any instrument.”
— The Washington Post
“It took all of five seconds to realize that the man’s reputation derives as much from his radiant, shining tone and impeccable technique as from the sheer love of music-making that can be felt in his every note.
Stoltzman performed like a snake charmer, seductively caressing each passage and bending the tempo at will.”
— Chicago Tribune
“His [Stoltzman] interpretation of Mozart’s “Stadler Quintet,” was astounding. The artist’s signature tone quality – chocolaty dark in the low register with sensitively controlled high tones – was warmed by gentle vibrato. Gossamer ornaments, many added by the soloist, tastefully embellished the work. Delicate phrasing and astounding breath control highlighted the “Larghetto,” a movement showing Mozat at his melodic best.”
— The Salt Lake Tribune
“A popular phenomenon in the world of classical music.”
— Newsweek
“Richard Stoltzman is the world’s most phenomenal clarinetist...”
“Stoltzman is currently being marketed as the most exciting clarinetist in the world; what matters is that he is.”
“Stoltzman is a virtuoso, but he’s no brazen showoff. The characteristics that most distinguish his playing are intricately tied to notions like nuance, spirit and honesty. ”
— Boston Globe
“The greatest clarinetist of the century.”
“Stoltzman is a national treasure and should be so declared.”